Brainstorming: how to print on your Foglietto cards

Foglietto has many advantages over the notebook.Being able to simply print on your index cards, from your desktop printer, is one of our favorite tricks.Bullet Journal, brainstorming, project management and meeting facilitation, we will explore different scenarios together, give you some ideas for use and explain how to proceed to simply print on your Foglietto cards!
Find the basic files to download for free at the end of this article. ↓
Why print on your Foglietto cards
Manage your projects alone or with others
Remember, two weeks ago we saw how to build a Kanban wall using Foglietto.This is one agile project management method among many others, but all have in common to offer easily reproducible diagrams, allowing for example to divide a project into several stages.
It is precisely this “reproducibility” that interests us here.You may quickly notice that your different projects have common characteristics.For example, all may require you to produce a budget or a technical drawing.Therefore, why not imagine a tailor-made template for your paintings and projects?
Animate your meetings and brainstorming
Whether it's leading a brainstorming, a collaborative workshop, prototyping a project, breaking the ice, entering into an ideation process or identifying a problem, you might need more than just a block of post-it notes!
You can easily adapt Foglietto to your every need, from ice breaker to challenge, through ideation and prototyping:
- Invent fun and instructive ice-breakers, adapted to your problem and your teams (game of seven families, bingo, etc.),
- Print a persona “brick” on each card to create an infinite range of personas,
- Print the different blocks of your project/product/interface on each sheet, and easily proceed with your zoning or wire framing,
- Reproduce on several sheets the image or diagram of the product/prototype to be challenged or improved and let each employee take it over,
- Imagine all kinds of challenges or roles to assign during your creative meetings and other brainstorming sessions, in order to stimulate collaboration and ideas.
This part will soon be the subject of an entire article, as the possibilities are vast!
Use Foglietto with your Bullet Journal
Foglietto and the notebook are not incompatible, far from it! Your Foglietto cards can allow you to easily personalize your Bullet Journal: monthly calendar, tracker, to-do lists, collections... Insert them into your bujo using masking tape or original paperclips.You can take them off and put them back on easily.Handy for recurring pages!
You can also note your index on a Foglietto card which will also act as a bookmark.
Shining in the Evening: Create Your Board Game or Oracle
A bit on the same principle as for the animation of meetings, you can use Foglietto to imagine and print all kinds of card games, but also oracles.
What is an oracle? It is a set of "intention" cards, as many small sentences or symbols that you can draw at random, every morning or whenever you feel like it.Use them as a source of inspiration or motivation, to help you live your day according to a positive mantra.
Printing your Foglietto files with Word
Let's practice! You can easily print existing text or visuals from Word.However, you can only print one card at a time.
Prepare your document:
- Start by displaying the rulers: View > Ruler.
- Then click Insert > Shapes > Rectangle.
- Click anywhere on your document to drop the form.
- Select the rectangle and go to Formatting.
- Set the size of the rectangle to 7.4 cm in width and 10.5 cm in height.
- Still in Layout, with the rectangle selected, click Position, then choose Middle, Center (you can skip these last four steps by directly downloading the free template available at the end of this article) .
- Print (save ink by printing only the outline of the rectangle).
- Position your Foglietto sheet on the rectangle using Masking tape.You can “fatigue” the Masking tape by sticking/peeling it several times from your hand or your desk before using it to attach your card.This way you make sure you don't scratch the paper.
- Replace the sheet in your printer.Take care to position it in the right direction (this depends on your printer).
- Go back to Word and delete the rectangle from your document.
If you want to print an image:
11.Click Insert > Picture and select the picture to import.
12.Select the image and go to Formatting.
13.Set the image size to a width less than 7.4 cm in width and a height less than 10.5 cm.Attention ! Take into account the title space on the sheet which is 1 cm high.If you don't want to print on it, your image will need to be less than 9.5cm high.
14.Still in Formatting, with the rectangle selected, click Position, then choose Middle, Center.
If you want to print a text:
- Click Insert > Text Box > Simple Text Box.
- In Format > Outlines, choose No Outlines.
- Enter your text and format it (choose the font, colors, line spacing, etc.).
- Select the text box and go to Formatting.
- Set the size of the text box to a width less than 7.4 cm in width and a height less than 10.5 cm.Attention ! Take into account the title space on the sheet which is 1 cm high.If you do not want to print on it, your image must be less than 9.5 cm high.
- Still in Layout, with the rectangle selected, click Position, then choose Middle, Center
To print other sheets, repeat from step 11 using the same sheet again!
Print your Foglietto cards with InDesign or Illustrator
The advantage of printing your cards using software such as InDesign or Illustrator is that you can easily print more than one card at a time. time.
Here's how to do it:
- Open your software.
- Create a new A4 size document.
- Position on this document up to 4 rectangles 7.4 cm wide by 10.5 cm high (you can skip this step by directly downloading the free templates available at the end of this article).
- Print (save ink by printing only the outline of the rectangle).
- Position your Foglietto cards on the rectangles using masking tape.You can "fatigue" the masking tape by sticking/unsticking it several times from your hand or your desk before using it to attach your sheet.This way you make sure you don't scratch the paper.
- Replace the sheet in your printer.Take care to position it in the right direction (this depends on your printer).
- Go back to InDesign/Illustrator.
- Create a new layer and lock the previous one.
- Write or draw the elements of your choice on each rectangle, taking into account the area reserved for the title on the card (to do this, stay 1 cm from the top edge of each rectangle) and not exceeding limits of the rectangle.
- Once your creation is complete, hide the layer containing the rectangles.
Of course it also works with an A3 printer.In this case, you can print ten sheets at the same time.
Last step: post the photos of your printed sheets and your brainstorming or Kanban wall on Instagram and tag Foglietto!
Access free downloadable Word, InDesign and Illustrator templates (Drive folder)